Substance Use and Addiction Therapy near Wexford


Do you wake up feeling discouraged and unable to kick your addiction? Center For Integrative Change has a team of dedicated therapists that offer substance use and addiction therapy near Wexford, PA. We can help you move forward and embrace new possibilities.

Substance Use and Addiction Therapy Can Help You Heal

Addiction can make you feel powerless in your circumstances. Drugs and alcohol can have a hold on your overall wellbeing. Many people who feel dependent on substances try to quit, but they don’t know how.

Substance use and addiction can range from mild to severe. If you feel controlled by your addiction, you may experience specific symptoms:

  • Withdrawal from friends and family

  • Avoiding certain social situations

  • Using more substances to combat withdrawal symptoms

  • Forgetting responsibilities at work or home

  • Developing a tolerance of excessive amounts

  • Worrying about how to obtain more substances

  • Keeping your addiction secret from friends and family

You don’t have to let your addiction control your life. Our therapists provide a unique therapy approach that enables you to explore your addiction in a safe and judgment-free environment. Our harm reduction approach offers a holistic way to identify the root cause of addiction so you can begin healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Addiction is a sign of underlying trauma, stress, or other concerns. We take the time to listen to your thoughts and feelings and give you a unique roadmap for recovery.

How Can Therapy Help Me?

Most people dealing with addiction have repressed trauma or other emotional concerns. While not everyone who uses substances develops an addiction, many people struggle with misuse. Trauma can leave lingering scars that never heal. These scars can manifest in many ways, including addiction. Our therapists meet you where you are on your journey. We help you explore the details of your addiction so you don’t have to feel stuck. Therapy offers coping skills to help you process addiction and view substance use in a new light.

What Are the Benefits Of Substance Use and Addiction Therapy?

Therapy is an essential component of addiction recovery. The therapy process goes beyond exploring your addiction and identifying the root cause. Our team of compassionate therapists offers additional benefits that enhance the recovery process. You will learn coping skills and strategies that help you shift behavioral and thought patterns. Our team has experience in substance abuse treatment that allows you to transform your emotional wellbeing. We will explore your unique relationship with drugs and alcohol and educate you on safer ways to use them. Realistic change is possible; we can help you regain control of your life.

Contact Us Today

We are here to help you find healing and live the life you deserve. Contact Center For Integrative Change near Wexford, PA, today to schedule an appointment. Our office address is 2009 Mackenzie Way #100, Cranberry Township, PA 16066.

Find Healing Near Wexford, PA

We are pleased to offer therapy to those in Wexford, PA, and the nearby areas. Wexford is part of Allegheny County and not far from our office in Cranberry Township. The area has several parks, outdoor hiking trails, and a golf course.